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Imagine having a technology team without increasing your payroll?

Now you can! With On-Demand Technology, you have access to a complete team of technology specialists, ready to meet your needs, without compromising your payroll.

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What We Do

We're blending the ultimate power duo for your business's sustainable growth: technology and marketing!

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Fair Investment!

Here, at TeamForce, we understand that projects need to be analyzed before pricing for a professional or an allocated team. This way, we can measure the complexity of each project to understand the necessary seniority level of each professional.

With this, the calculation of your investment will be much fairer, paying only what is necessary to have a professional serving your project sustainably.

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Salesforce Training

Have you implemented Salesforce CRM and feel it's not worth it?

It's possible that your team is not taking full advantage of this powerful tool.

Hire the best training for your sales team and scale your sales!

mulher explicando software para outra pessoa

Standard Training

Choose one of our standardized trainings for Sales Managers or Sales Representatives for better utilization of the tool as a whole.

The trainings can be conducted in person or remotely (check the service locations).

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Customized Training

Does your project have peculiarities?

If so, Customized Training is perfect for you!

With it, we structure and direct the training so that your team works very productively according to the customizations made in your system.

The trainings can be conducted in person or remotely (check the service locations throughout Brazil).

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About TeamForce

TeamForce was born after analyzing the market of small and medium-sized enterprises, which need to solve technology problems for the other departments to function, but do not have a robust budget and/or the need for an internal team of developers.

Our founder has over 15 years of know-how,working directly with technology in various languages as a developer and trainer.

Currently, we have clients in Brazil, the USA, and Mexico, with professionals working remotely from Brazil, even if they do not speak English. This way, we manage to give the opportunity to earn in dollars, even if the professional is not fluent in English. And, on the other hand, companies can hire a professional at a lower cost.

We have a strong purpose at TeamForce: for every professional allocated in a position, we empower a low-income individual to enter the job market.

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Social Project


For every TeamForce professional who is hired, we offer preferential training to a low-income young person or a woman who lost her job after the birth of her children, to learn a profession within the technology area, and also, we offer an opportunity for paid work to gain experience and start a new career.

Together, we can change lives!

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